Articles tagged with iteration speed

Learning from users faster using machine learning

I had an interesting idea a few weeks ago, best explained through an example. Let's say you're running an e-commerce site (I kind of do) and you want to optimize the number of purchases. Let's also say we try to learn as much as we can from users, both using A/B tests but also using just basic slicing and dicing of the data.

Optimizing for iteration speed

I've written before about the importance of iterating quickly but I didn't necessarily talk about some concrete things you can do. When I've built up the tech team at Better, I've intentionally optimized for fast iteration speed above almost everything else.

Iterate or die

Here's a conclusion I've made building consumer products for many years: the speed at which a company innovates is limited by its iteration speed. I don't even mean throughput here. I just mean the cycle time.